Exercise Ball Workouts for the Chest and Arms

>> Wednesday, December 9, 2009

As I mentioned before the results I get and the versatility of exercise ball workouts is why I continually use them. A couple exercises that I have gone back to time and time again for my arms and chest are:

Incline Dumbbell Press

A. Start out sitting on the exercise ball with a dumbbell in each hand (I use 8lb dumbbells) walk your feet out in front of you until your upper back is resting on the exercise ball. Your hips should be lower than your shoulders. Bend elbows raising hands up to shoulder height, elbows should be aligned with your shoulders and pointing toward the floor.

B. Contract (tighten) your abs and glutes, slowly extend both arms upward hold for a few seconds and lower arms back to starting position. I do 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Single Arm Chest Fly

A. Begin sitting on exercise ball holding a dumbbell in your right hand, walk yourself forward until your upper back and neck are resting on the exercise ball. Raise your right arm up toward the ceiling.

B. Tighten your abs and glutes, slowly lower your right arm out to the side until it is about shoulder height, hold for a couple seconds and raise arm back to starting position. I do 12-15 reps and then switch arms. I do 2-3 sets.

Both of these exercises require you to use your core to help keep the ball stable while performing the exercise. The key to doing this is being sure you keep your abs and glutes tightened while performing the exercise.


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